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What information is in my reports?

See what's included in your Bookings reports and Payments reports

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Written by Gnomes
Updated over a week ago

Go to your Reporting tab to access your reports in The Food Corridor. See below for what's included in your metrics, Bookings reports, and Payments reports.

Reporting Dashboard Metrics

The metrics in your dashboard are pulled from a variety of reports and stats. Below you can find a breakdown of where these metrics come from so you can get the most out of your dashboard.

Total Revenue: This metric is drawn from your Monthly Revenue Report and compares your previous month with your existing month.

Active Clients: This metric is pulled from the Active status clients in your Clients Tab and All Clients & Prospects Report.

Outstanding Payments Due: This metric is pulled from the Outstanding Balances section of your Billing Tab and is an inclusive total of any open outstanding bills owed to you.

Average Revenue Per Client: This metric is derived from averaging this month of each client's revenue from the Monthly Revenue by Client report.

Total Expired Docs: This metric is pulled from your Documents tab by gathering the total number of expired documents for your clients.

Space Utilization: This metric is pulled from the total number of booked hours in relation to the total number of open hours in your kitchen, according to your calendars’ hours of operation. It does not include N/A hours as booked hours.

Booking Hours: This metric is pulled from the total number of booked hours across all of the kitchen’s spaces, not including bookings assigned to N/A.

Current Storage Utilization: This metric is the percent of each type of storage unit assigned to clients, out of your total inventory for that type.

Payments Reports


*These reports include payment information from charges starting April 1st, 2019, and onward. Exception for April 2019: These reports do not include charges that were listed in clients' April 2019 invoices.

Billed Line Items: This report shows individual line item charges, including month and year, bill #, client name, line item charge type, charge description, billed-at date, bill status, and Stripe payment ID. The report groups charges by the month they are associated with under the first column. So for example, a one-time fee that was originally set to be charged in May and became past due, and was then finally successfully paid in July, would still be associated with May in the first column. To see which line items were successfully fully paid off or billed in July, you will want to sort by the "Billed At" column. This report shows both successfully paid charges (billed) and past-due charges. A status of "Billed" with a "Billed At" date shows for bills that are fully paid off

We do not recommend totaling the monthly revenue in this report if you accept partial payments or if you mark bills as uncollectible. This is because this report doesn't show payment dates for partial payments - it only shows the date when the bill was fully paid off. So, if you collected $10 on a bill in January, and $10 on that bill in March, the report would show $20 for the March date, since that's when the bill was fully paid off. Additionally, the report does not show amounts marked as uncollectible. This report is best used to see individual line item charges and charge types within a bill, and the status of that bill. If you're looking for collected revenue within a month, we recommend referring to your Monthly Revenue reports or Payment Details report.  

Payment Details: This report helps you track and reconcile client payments. Many client payments include multiple charges on a bill (e.g. storage, monthly fee, billing plan, etc.). Where the Billed Line Items report breaks down each of these separate charges, the Payment Details report shows you the details for a client's total bill and payment. That way you can easily compare clients' payments in Stripe with your bank statements. The report shows, for each payment: the bill number, bill creation date, amount paid, payment status, platform fee, tax, net revenue, payment date, Stripe payment ID, payment type, any payment notes on manual payments, Stripe payout date, and if the payment has been exported to your QuickBooks Online. 

This report shows revenue based on the payment date, including partial payments on bills that aren't fully paid off yet. That means any payment that was manually collected or billed through the system is included in this report.

If totaling revenue on this report, be sure to sort by Payment Date first, before you sum the totals. 

You can compare your deposits against the Stripe Payout Dates in this report.

Refunds: This report shows any refunds you've requested for your clients, so you can verify that the refund has been issued and look back on any refund notes. Additionally, in Stripe, when an ACH payment fails, Stripe calls this a "refund." This report helps you determine if that payment was if a refund (if it's on the report), or if it was a failed ACH payment. The report includes the client name, bill #, bill amount, refunded amount and date, the reason for the refund, issuer, refund status (pending vs. issued) if it was exported to your QuickBooks Online, and the Stripe payout date.

Monthly Revenue: This report shows monthly revenue totals for all charges that have been successfully billed/paid during that month. This includes manual payments and any partial payments made within that month. The report does not include failed or past-due charges. The monthly totals include gross revenue, taxes, platform fees, and net revenue. 

Monthly Revenue by Type: This report shows monthly revenue totals for each category that have been successfully billed/paid during that month. This includes manual payments and any partial payments made within that month. The report does not include failed or past-due charges. The report groups charges by when they were billed/paid. So for example, the July revenue would include one-time fees, monthly bills, and hourly bookings that were billed in July, as well as any previously past-due payments that successfully went through in July. 

Monthly Revenue by Client: This report shows monthly revenue totals for each client, for all their charges that have been successfully billed/paid during that month. This includes manual payments and any partial payments made within that month. The report does not include failed or past-due charges. The client's monthly totals include gross revenue, taxes, platform fees, net revenue, and custom reporting fields.

Manual Platform Fees: This report shows what manual platform fees have been paid to The Food Corridor and what's coming up. The Food Corridor charges a 2% platform fee for manual payments monthly. If the total amount of platform fees is over $5, the kitchen is charged on the 1st of the following month for that amount. If the total is under $5, the amount rolls over to the next month.

QuickBooks Exported Payments: If you've integrated your Food Corridor account with your QuickBooks Online account, you will get this report. It shows the last 90 days of payment exports and their statuses, which is helpful to verify what's been sent to QB, if there was an issue, or see if a bill wasn't exported to QB - for example if it's still pending in Stripe.

Bookings Reports

All Bookings: This report shows all past and future bookings created for the current year. It includes all billed, approved, declined, canceled, and deleted bookings. The Booked For column shows the client assigned to the booking, and the Created At column shows when the booking was created.

Total hours by Client: This report shows the total hours for all approved and billed bookings for each client, for the current month and all prior months in the current year.

Total hours by Client by Calendar: This report shows the total hours for all approved and billed bookings for each client and space booked, for the current month as well as the prior two months.

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