What can I do if a client's payment is past due, and the client is on Manual Payment Processing?

Reconcile outstanding charges for clients on Manual

Gnomes avatar
Written by Gnomes
Updated over a week ago

Why does my client have a past due charge?

If a client is on Manual Payment Processing and no payment has been recorded yet, the client's charges will display as "Outstanding" or "Past Due".

Outstanding charges for a client on Manual will keep building until you record the payment(s) you have received from them.

What can I do? 

  1. Record Payment: If you have received a payment from a client, click 'Record Payment' at the top of their statement > Select the bill from 'Apply to Outstanding Bill > Enter the amount you received > Select the payment type > Select the Payment Date > Add any notes > Click 'Record Payment'. You can record several payments this way, if you received more than one. 

  2. Apply a Credit: If the client has a credit balance (as shown in blue at the top of their profile, see example below), this balance will not apply to their outstanding charges automatically. The system lets you decide when to apply their credit. 

  3. Change the amount due: If you need to change the total due or want to put the client on a payment plan, you can adjust the charge amount. This will change the total amount due on a particular charge. Clients tab > client name > Statement > click the dropdown arrow to the right of the charge > Add Adjustment.


  4. Mark it as paid: This is essentially the same as recording a payment, but you won't have the option to select a payment type or add notes. It's just a quick way to reconcile a received payment. Clients tab > client name > Statement > click the dropdown arrow to the right of the charge > Mark as Paid.

  5. Write it off: If you know you won't be collecting payment and have written off the payment as uncollectible, you can mark the payment as such. Clients tab > client name > Statement > click the dropdown arrow to the right of the charge > Mark as Uncollectible. The status for this charge will display as "uncollectible" on your Payments reports.

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