Payments can fail for a number of reasons, but a few common issues make up the majority of transfer failures.
Account closed
What it means: Your bank informed us that the account associated with your connected bank account details was closed.
What to do about it: You will need to update your connected bank account to a valid checking account.
No account
What it means: No bank account could be found with the details that you have on file, so you probably misentered either your routing number or account number.
What to do about it: You will need to update your bank account to a valid checking account.
Invalid account number
What it means: Your routing number seems ok, but your bank informed us that the account number is not valid.
What to do about it: You will need to update your bank account to a valid checking account.
Bank ownership changed
What it means: Your bank’s branch was bought by another bank, and as a result, your account information (such as your routing number) has changed.
What to do about it: You will probably need to update your bank account to a valid checking account.
Account frozen
What it means: Your bank notified us that the funds in your account are currently frozen.
What to do about it: Get in touch with your bank to figure out what the issue is. Once you’ve resolved the issue, then contact your kitchen to have them re-run the payment for you. Alternatively, you can change your bank account to another active checking account.
Bank account restricted
What it means: Your bank notified us that your account has restrictions on either the type or number of transfers allowed. This normally indicates that you are using a savings or other non-checking account with your Food Corridor account.
What to do about it: You should update your bank account to a valid checking account. If your current account is already a checking account, get in touch with your bank to figure out why the transfer isn’t going through and then contact your kitchen to let them know.
Could not process
What it means: Something unexpected went wrong and your bank was unable to process the transfer The Food Corridor sent them.
What to do about it: Get in touch with us or your bank to resolve the issue.
Once your payment method is successfully updated, here are the next steps.