Welcome! ๐ย
New? Sign-up for a new account: https://app.thefoodcorridor.com/en/signup. Choose "food business" and follow these steps.ย
Already have an account? Log-in: https://app.thefoodcorridor.com/en/login
If you're having troubles logging in, here are a few tricks.
Use the direct log-in link: app.thefoodcorridor.com/en/loginย
Enter your email address
Click "Forgot your password?" if you can't remember. You'll receive password reset instructions via email.
If you can't remember which email address(es) you signed up with, ask your kitchen for it (see below). They can tell you your email address. Your password is encrypted and therefore never visible for TFC or your kitchen.
If you have multiple users on the same account, each user will have their own email and password.
Kitchen view of a client's account:
If you need to change your password or add another email address to your account, you can do so once you log-in by: clicking on the gear icon on the upper right > Account Settings > My Account.