Whether you're spreading the word about an event, or simply need to highlight something important, style your messages to get your info across. Check out this cheat sheet below.
You can bold, italicize, or underline in your message using your keyboard controls (e.g. highlight the text then ctrl+b or command+b for bold).
Use this format | For this result |
# Heading level 1 | Heading level 1 |
## Heading level 2 | Heading level 2 |
### Heading level 3 | Heading level 3 |
#### Heading level 4 | Heading level 4 |
*You can apply the header formatting to one header per message.
Links and Images
Use this format | For this result |
Create a hyperlink for [my favorite software](https://thefoodcorridor.com) | Create a hyperlink for my favorite software |
Add an image in the middle of the message ![Jungle](https://drive.google.com/file/1)
* "Jungle" is the alternate text you want to show for the image. The link is the url for the image. | Add an image in the middle of the message